Both sides welcome a greater role of RMB in international trade and investment and the establishment of an RMB clearing bank in London. 十、双方欢迎人民币在国际贸易和投资体系中发挥更大作用以及在英设立人民币业务清算银行。
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes ( ICSID)-Washington, USA [ World Bank Group] 国际投资争端解决中心-华盛顿,美国〔世界银行集团〕
As Jim Zukin, chairman of Asia and co-founder of international investment bank Houlihan Lokey, observes: "the clear ambition is to shift from a liquidation culture to a recovery culture, in line with international trends." 国际投行houlihanlokey的联合创始人兼亚洲区董事长吉姆祖金(jimzukin)评述道:“很明显,这部法律志在从清算文化向复苏文化转变,与国际趋势保持一致。”
That purchase would make it easier for Morgan Stanley to offload its passive 34 per cent stake in China International Capital Corp, the leading mainland investment bank. 这项交易将使得摩根士丹利可以更轻松地放弃在中国内地领先投行中金(cicc)所持的34%被动性股份。
Imagine you are an analyst at an international investment bank whose job it is to predict the daily price of a barrel of oil. 假设你是某国际投行的分析师,工作是预测每日石油价格。
Although there are no precise numbers about the size of the Chinese private lending market, China International Capital Corporation, an investment bank, estimates private lending represents about 7 per cent of formal bank loans and is climbing quickly. 关于中国民间借贷市场的规模,尽管还没有一个准确的数据,但投行中金公司(cicc)估测,民间借贷的规模已相当于正规银行贷款的7%左右,并且正迅速增加。
Michael Hartnett, co-head of international investment strategy at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, says: China is a key reason why emerging markets are outperforming. We have seen signs of improvement in a number of indicators on credit, purchasing managers 'surveys and auto sales. BankOfAmericaMerrillLynch全球投资策略联席主管迈克尔哈特尼特(MichaelHartnett)表示:新兴市场跑赢,中国是一个关键原因。我们看到,信贷、采购经理人指数和汽车销售等指标已出现改善迹象。
In this heady environment, massive sums of international capital have poured into China through investment funds run by big operators such as Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. 在这种令人头脑发热的环境下,数额庞大的国际资本已通过德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)、高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)等大型机构运作的投资基金涌入中国。
China and America holding company not only has large quantities of overseas returns and has worked many years professional in the international famous investment bank headquarters, also has the specialized talented person which own raises in the China monetary system reform process. 中美控股不仅拥有一大批海外归来及在国际著名投资银行总部工作过多年的专业人士,也有在中国金融体制改革过程中自己培养出来的专业人才。
Under Mr Ackermann, who steered the bank through the financial crisis without needing government capital, Deutsche cemented its role as a leading international investment bank. 在阿克曼的带领下,德银成功地度过了金融危机,没有让政府出资相助,并巩固了其国际领先投行的地位。
Several Chinese banks, such as China International Capital Corporation Limited and CCBI, the investment bank owned by China Construction Bank, have also opened fund management operations in Hong Kong. 多家中资银行,例如中国国际金融有限公司(cicc)和中国建设银行(ccb)旗下的投资银行建银国际(ccbi),也都已经在香港开展基金管理业务。
Asia is raising transport costs and damaging the international competitiveness of China and other countries by not spending enough on infrastructure investment, the Asian Development Bank will report today. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)将于今日指出,亚洲在基础设施方面的投资不足,造成运输成本增加,并损害中国和其它国家的国际竞争力。
In addition to working for a major international investment bank, Mr Du is said to have had close relationships with senior executives at large Chinese companies such as CITIC Resources. 据称,除了为一家主要国际投行工作,杜军还与中信资源等大型中国企业的高管关系密切。
I've always been interested in working for an international investment bank. 我一直对在跨国投资银行工作很感兴趣。
We survey several mechanisms that explain the composition of international capital flows: foreign direct investment, foreign portfolio investment and debt flows ( bank loans and bonds). 我们研究了阐明国际资本流动组成的机制,其中包括,外国直接投资,外国证券投资和债务流动(银行贷款和债券)。
The managerial range expanded from bank saving and loan to international exchange and security investment etc. At that time, the capital of German bank played an important role in financial market of China. 经营范围从以存、贷款为主扩展到国际汇兑、证券投资等各个领域,进而使德国银行资本在影响当时的中国金融市场中,扮演了一个重要角色。
The International Comparison of the Investment Bank Self-Discipline Organization 投资银行自律组织国际比较
Talents stratagem of international giant investment bank 国际大投行的人才计谋
It is proved by international practices that the development of Investment Bank has become a key standard to measure the Market economy in a certain country or region. 国际经验证明,投资银行的兴盛繁荣,已成为衡量一个国家或地区市场经济发达程度的重要标志。
At the same time, we should use for reference technology and experience of International Investment Bank on risk management, reinforce intercourse and communication between Sino-Foreigns Securities Co. 同时要借鉴国际投资银行的风险管理技术和经验,加强交流和沟通,并逐步与国际接轨;
Being an important financial force in international financial markets, investment bank has played an irreplaceable role in modern market economy and financial system. 投资银行作为活跃于国际金融市场上的一支重要的金融力量,在现代市场经济和金融体系中发挥着不可替代的作用。
Since 2003, crude oil price has soared consistently up to as high as over$ 140 per barrel in July 2008. The well-known international investment bank, Goldman Sachs has once forecasted that the oil price would rise to 200 dollars per barrel. 原油价格自2003年以来持续上涨,2008年7月油价突破每桶140美元,国际知名投行高盛更是一度预测原油价格将会上涨至每桶200美元。
Through the historical evolution process of international investment banking, it can be concluded that investment bank is the soul of the financial market. It pushes forward the economic development as a financial innovator. 通过国际投资银行实务的历史演进过程,可以看出投资银行是金融市场的灵魂,是推动一国经济向前发展的发动机、是金融创新的先锋。
Since has entered for 1980s, the international capital market unstable, the multitudinous investment bank bankruptcy or appears the large amount loss. The domestic securities company in continues in the murky market quotation, goes bankrupt massively the closure, appears the professional system risk. 进入20世纪80年代以来,国际资本市场动荡不安,众多国外投资银行破产或出现巨额亏损,国内证券公司在持续低迷的市场行情中,大量破产关闭,出现了行业性系统风险。
During these 20 years, securities industry has made considerable progress. The management level of the securities is increasing. However, compared with the large international investment bank, we still have a wide gap. 我国证券行业发展至今,已走过了20年的历程,期间证券行业得到了长足发展,证券公司的经营管理水平也在不断提高,但与国际大型投行相比还是有较大差距。